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HHH Records

Hatboro, PA

HHH Records Next to Allen Treasures

HHH Records Next to Allen Treasures

$1 Bin Out Front

$1 Bin Out Front

Best Cleaning Supplies out There!

Best Cleaning Supplies out There!

Only $15 bucks.

Groovy Sealed Record Section

Groovy Sealed Record Section

Small room, lots of records

Small room, lots of records

Organization of Records

Organization of Records

Organized Alphabetical and By Band

Organized Alphabetical and By Band

What I Scored

What I Scored

Get To Know Them


Name: HHH Records


Location: 21 N. York Rd, Hatboro PA 19040


Phone: (267) 987-8295 




Hours of Operation:


Mon - Wed:

11:00 am - 7:00 pm


11:00 am - 5:30 pm


11:00 am - 7:30 pm


9:30 am - 7:30 pm


8:00 am - 1:30 pm


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Final Rating


In My Opinion...


HHH is always a gold mine. The store is connected to Allen's Treasures, which sells vintage, collectable items, and is always worth checking out. Allen, the storeowner, always have interesting stories to tell about his life and the items that he's selling. I even scored a really awesome ceramic E.T. doll that sits proudly on my desk. As you make your way through Allen's treasure, the walls are lined with records being sold by Dave, who owns HHH. HHH is a small room off to the right of Allen's Treasures. The room is small, but packed to the gills with records and the walls are lined with awesome classic rock memorabilia. The records are alphabetically organized for the most part, but there is a "newly added" section that is a hodgepodge of genres. This is probably my favorite section because I always find something interesting that I wasn't necessarily looking for when I walked in. Dave is friendly and helpful. Amazingly, he seems to have the entire stock of records memorized, and can find one for you at the drop of a hat. HHH is a great record store with a lot of potential. I just hope one day, they will expand to a larger location, with more room to dig around. Also, be sure to like them on Facebook because Dave posts promotions on certain records every day!

What the people say...


"I take pride in my records! If a record has one scratch on it, it goes into the $1 bin out front. I only sell records that sound and look great!"


Dave, Store owner


Record Breakdown


Type of Vinyl: New 180 & 200 gram & Used


Trade-ins? Yes.


Pricing: Fair. New records range from $17-$30 on average. Used records range from $3-$25 on average.


Average Condition: Great! Each record is individually priced and encased in a plastic sleeve.


Digging Required? Minimal. The store is incredbily organized and easy to navigate, but beware the room of records is tiny. 


Great for people looking for: Classic rock, Beatles, sealed records, and jazz



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