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Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market

Trenton, NJ

Punk Rock Flea Market

Punk Rock Flea Market

Food Trucks, delicious!

Food Trucks, delicious!

Record Notebook at Randy's Mancave

Record Notebook at Randy's Mancave

Randy's Mancave Selection

Randy's Mancave Selection

Neat Records Warped into Bowls

Neat Records Warped into Bowls

Cheap Records, Dig in!

Cheap Records, Dig in!

A LOT of Punk Records Here

A LOT of Punk Records Here

$1? Can't beat that.

$1? Can't beat that.

2014-11-09 11.24.02_edited.jpg

2014-11-09 11.24.02_edited.jpg

Free Tree!

Free Tree!

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Final Rating


In My Opinion...


The Punk Rock Flea Market is a groovy event. Almost all of the venders that participate sell quality antique or collectable items, or handmade goods. All of the items for sale are reasonably priced, but the quality is outstanding. Records are no exception. I am always surprised at the variety of genres and quality of records when I visit the Punk Rock Flea market. Each vender is incredibly unique, and full of gems. The venders tend to know a whole lot about records, so the pricing is on the higher end. I’m assuming they know their worth, and are able to sell them at market price. Some venders can be haggled, but I wouldn’t bank on it. If you’re willing to spend the cash, you could leave the flea market with some incredible finds of all genres. I have never left the Punk Rock Flea market empty handed; in fact, I almost always leave it with way too much money spent, but with a smile on my face. The entrance fee is $4, but worth every penny if you enjoy flea markets, handmade goods, quality collector items, or records. It’s definitely worth coming to the flea market early with an empty stomach. They often give away free “swag” bags to the first 100 in line, which include various items from the select venders within the flea market. One time they even gave away free concert tickets! If that’s not enticing enough, there are always multiple food trucks lined around the outside to satisfy any craving. 

What the people say...


A huge step forward for Trenton's Arts and Music scene. A great place to shop for obscure items and network with interesting people. When you spend your money you should feel good about yourself because it's cycles thru the scene and not a major corporation. My girlfriend has been selling at every one and its awesome to see how the vendors support each other by shopping and bartering at their tables.


-John, Flea Market Go-er

Record Breakdown


Type of Vinyl: Used (possibly some new).


Trade-ins? No.


Pricing: This depends on the vender. Some have records for a buck, and others only have records for $5+. As far as I could tell, the average record was going for $4-$5, but would increase in price depending on vender.


Average Condition: On average, the records are in great condition. Each vender seems to have a solid appreciate for the care of records, so they tend to be in fantastic condition. 


Digging Required? A lot. It's a flea market. The venders tend to be as organized as they feel. Some venders have the records broken down by alphabetically, by genre, and then by artist. Others, you'll be lucky to find it in a box.


Great for people looking for: Rare, Classic Rock, Punk, Rock, Goth, Methal, Althernative, and Indie.



Get To Know Them


Name: Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market


Location: 675 S Clinton Ave Trenton, NJ 08611


Phone: N/A




Hours of Operation:


Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market Occurs 3-4 times a year. Below is the next date that is being held


Sat March 29, 2015 10am-5pm


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