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Sit and Spin Records

Philadelphia, PA

Get To Know Them


Name: Sit & Spin Records


Location: 1346 S. 9th St, South Philadelphia, PA 


Phone: (267) 773 - 8345




Hours of Operation:


Mon - Fri:

12:00 pm - 8:00 pm


11:00 am - 8:00 pm


11:00 am - 5:00 pm

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What the people say...


Sit and Spin was a goldmine for me, a huge metal fan but novice vinyl collector. I met the owner at a record swap at the KFN, and checked out his spot on a corner in South Philly soon after. Cool vibes from the punk music on the stereo and the friendly employees. They even had a record player with headphones out, so people could test the quality of used records before purchasing. Their selection was way better than I expected, there were tons of solid metal albums - old, new, well-known, obscure, used, new - and, while I left with only two albums, I had to fight the urge to buy a few dozen more. 


-Geoff, Record Collector

Record Breakdown


Type of Vinyl: New & Used.


Trade-ins? Yes.


Pricing: On the higher end. Roughly $10-$20 a record on average. 


Average Condition: Excellent. All of the records are in plastic sleeves with great covers and scratch free records.


Digging Required? Despite being quite small, they're relatively organized. The store is broken down by genre, and the records are broken down alphabetically. As usual, if you're interested in the discount bins, there's going to be some heavy digging. Get those knee pads ready.


Great for people looking for: Punk, Metal, Goth, Electronic, Classic Rock, Rock, Alternative, and Philly bands.



In My Opinion...


Sit & Spin sits proudly on a small street corner in South Philadelphia. The outside reminds me of how record stores used to look like in the 80s, and the inside is small but jammed packed with records. The employees are incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable. They help find the record you are looking for, and are quick to recommend other records that you may like. Thus far, they have yet to be wrong with a recommendation for me. I have discovered so many cool bands due to these recommendations; bands that I would have easily glazed over while digging through the records. The genres available are a mixed bag, but for the most part, it is heavily Punk, Ska, Metal, Classic Rock, and rock. They do have a few records of other genres, but nothing as large as the other four. For example, I once found a copy of Dr. Dog’s “Easy Beat” (alternative/indie rock) there in a random box in the back. Sit & Spin definitely requires an open mind, and an hour or so of concentrated digging. What I love most about this store is that I never know what I am going to find, but I always manage to find something. The employees and unique collection keeps Sit & Spin a great little store. 

Final Rating


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